Sunday, February 11, 2007

A New Day, A New Round of Doctors

"She makes me nervous. Always bad news, never good," Mom said to me of the nurse that was on the day shift yesterday.
Well, there isn't much good news to be had these days.
When I got onto the elevator, I an into Mom's cardiologist, I said, "Hello," to him and figured he was there to see someone else.
Nope. He had been called into see Mom because her EKG showed a "blip" they told me. "He doesn't think it's anything to worry about," the nurse told me. "He wants to do a sonogram on the heart just in case."
In case of what? Seems the infection could have affected her heart. And then we have the issue of her not having a voice now for a week. They're doing a swallow test on her today.
Oh, and they called in a lung specialist too.
Don't get me wrong, I'm glad they are being careful and she is having all the tests and doctors she needs (more than enough according to her), but it was just a little overwhelming yesterday.
I guess the good news is that the weekend shift isn't being so cautious about her contagious staph infection. They wore masks, but ditched the suits that made them look as if they were dealing with radioactive material.


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